quinta-feira, 9 de julho de 2015

Y.P - You & The 6

Quando se perde um ente querido, sempre há aquela vontade de homenagea-lo, principalmente quando essa pessoa era especial p'ra s.
À dois anos atrás escrevi remix da música "A Vida Continua" mas não gravei, semanas depois escrevi a remix da música "Let's Love" mas também não gravei. Ambas faziam parte da mixtape do cantor Hernâni da Silva Mudanisse (Músicas Perdidas) e ambas as letras falavam do meu Irmão que havia perdido a vida há dias atrás (no momento).
Agora escrevi "You & The 6" (remix), também a falar do meu irmão, dessa vez gravei e já está aí, disponível.
Aquele papo de que "As palavras são pequenas para se expressar" é mesmo true. Mas apanhem o que eu consegui dizer em poucas palavras.

Artist: Y.P
Title: You & The 6
Genre: Hip-hop
Produced By: -


Download Y.P - You & The 6

Having conversation with my mamma
She said "Filho acalma-te"
It what's happened with your Brother
Agente nem imaginava

She made me forget something
That it (the song) was suppose to be in english
I have to think, sing, write and do it in english

But back to subject, I was losting my hopes
I didn't know what I'll do about that facken happened
I was to bad, to bad I had lost my Bro(ther)
Another bad thing is that I had no a girl

But you know what it is
I had mother, father, brothers, sisters and cousins
Nephew, niece, friends and real lifer
Neighbors, aunts, uncles, grand mother and father

I didn't cry to my Bro(ther)
I wet that paper with the tears Bro
What it do to my Bro(ther)
And R.I.P to my Bro(ther)

She said everything will go
I said he was my Bro
And my mother knows
What I'm singing, what I'm speaking about yes she knows

He had to go
Now everything are right, but I miss you, Bro(ther)
I miss that time when we were together me and you, Bro(ther)
When I said I have surprise, but I never showed

I'm still remember the years ago
I lived goods things, wells things with you Bro(ther)
What I feel they can't know
They have to feel(live) for they know

Why you had to go?
From where came this idea to left me Bro(ther)?
You are not good Bro(ther)
You left me alone in this city without a way to go
Without a way to go
You left me alone in this city without a way to go
Without a way to go
You left me alone without a way to go

Having conversation with my mamma
We shall speak about that
The wells moments that we had
Those we can't forget

I don't need to pretend
Is a pity that you fell
Goods things you lent(taught) me
When I come you'll lead me

But Brother you know what it is yes you know Bro(ther)
I'll speak about it for all my girls
So see what I'm singing for all this crowd
I mean hear what I'm singing for all this crowd

You were my Brother
But you are still live in my heart you have place Brother
Big Place Brother
You know that, you always knows what I mean Brother

And that's why you are my Brother
You are my Brother
And that's why you are my Brother

I miss you so much, I want you so much
I wanna be with you so much, now I sing to much
I write to much, I read to much
I study to much, nànananá to much

We kidding together to much, we stayed together to much
You watched TV to much, you made coco to much
And I cleaned it to much, very much
Better again to much (6x)

Why you had to go?
From where came this idea to left me Bro(ther)?
You are not good Bro(ther)
You left me alone in this city without a way to go
Without a way to go
You left me alone in this city without a way to go
Without a way to go
You left me alone without a way to

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